This is the next part of the story I'm writing. I hope you like it :)
I rushed out of my messy apartment and outside into the dark, cloudy day. I felt like I would be late for work; hopefully I wasn't going to be. I found my old white station-wagon in the garage and drove away (after a few tries of trying to turn it on) to the head-quarters, wishing that traffic didn't exist (like every other person in the world).
Finally I stopped in front of the store the HQ was under, and quickly opened my door and smoothly (accidently) fell out and rolled.
I rushed into the "EMPLOYEES ONLY" door and, as a secret camera identified me, a hand-scan popped out of the wall (but since they didn't have my handprint, an agent came out to let me inside).
"Mr. McBackster, you're late by 49 seconds," the agent said.
"But that's only 49 seconds," I objected.
"What if you got a call within those 49 seconds? What if there was some kind of robbery taking place, and no one was there to answer the call? What would happen?" he firmly told me.
"Well, I'm new here, and I don't have my stuff, so I don't think anyone would have called."
"Mr. McBackster, it doesn't matter, we are very busy here. You need to be by the phone to take any emergency calls. It doesn't matter if you're new or old, someone is going to call. Don't be late again."
"Okay, I'm sorry. But, please, call me Elliot."
"No. It's INFORMAL. Everyone here knows..." Here he stopped to gesture to the rest of the agents, and on cue, they all said, "We show respect to others by calling them Mr., Ms., or Mrs. It's formal, proper, and respective."
"Uh, okay, I guess. Sorry. Now I know..." I said, gesturing to the rest of the crowd, like the agent I was talking to. But no one said, "We show respect to others by calling them Mr., Ms., or Mrs. It's formal, proper, and respective" when I gestured.
"Here is a map of the head-quarters. Go to Mr. Lister's office. He will give you all your things," the agent instructed.
"Okay, no problem." Then I got lost in the maze that is the head-quarters.
"Excuse me, do you know where Mr. Lister's office is?" I asked to a group of agents walking by, talking on their ear-pieces. Of course they ignored me, they were to busy on their ear-pieces.
"Excuse me?" I asked to another agent. He rushed by and didn't hear me.
"This is really important!" I said to another. Again I was ignored.
"DOESN'T ANYONE HEAR ME?!?!" I shouted. Then it became quiet, except for a few people rushing past to go to a crime-scene or whatever, and people talking on phones/ear-pieces.
"Yeah, we can hear you loud and clear," a somewhat annoyed person said.
"Sorry, but I just need to know where Mr. Lister's office is," I said.
"Oh, he's the new guy!" someone said. "Just go down that hall, walk all the way down, take the left hall when you come to the end, then turn at the twenty-third door at the right."
"Oh. Okay, thanks guys!" I said, relieved. I rushed down the hall the agent pointed out, and finally made it to the end (there was almost 50 doors in that hall!). I turned left into the hall and counted until I made it to the twenty-third door on the right. I knocked, and was answered by a tall, middle-aged man.
Okay, I'm tired of writing again. Sorry you had to wait so long, and that the ending leaves you hanging... maybe... but I'll try to post the rest later!! Peace! :)

Friday, January 20, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
A Story
I got this story idea from my language arts, and so I am going to write it here. It's kinda dumb, but hopefully you'll think it's funny.
"Full Name: Elliot Doug McBackster," I wrote on my secret-agent application. "Special Abilities: Eating 2 tacos per minute, practical jokes, running, flipping on trampolines. Allergies: I'm allergic to pears. I'm also afraid of spiders bigger around than a centimeter, snakes, and cactus."
Okay, you might think it's weird to be afraid of cactus, but it is practical. I mean, those intimatating spikes are pretty scary. Imagine being poked by one. And, they're plants, but they don't have to be watered regularly. It's weird.
I filled out the rest of my application, then handed it in to the person sitting at the front-desk. She was talking to someone on her ear-piece and took the application as I reached out to give it to her.
I noted how everyone there was dressed nicely in a black suit with a black-tie. I made a mental note to wear my best suit next time I came, instead of my worn shorts, tennis-shoes, and faded T-shirt.
The lady at the front-desk had stopped her conversation with whoever was on the other line of her ear-piece, and started talking to me. "Thank you, we will meet Friday next-week at 5:00PM to take the physical test."
"Thank you, Miss..." I replied, looking at her name-tag, "Samantha."
"See you next week, Mr. McBackster."
"Thank you, bye."
Slowly, the days passed until Friday. I waited and hit the gym everyday to prepare myself for the physical test. Finally, Friday came. At 4:00, I dressed in my thirt-best suit (I didn't want to get my other suits dirty, plus this one was lighter than my other suits) and slipped on my black tennis-shoes. I combed back my orange-hair and ate some food and brushed my teeth and flossed. Then, later, it was time to leave.
As I reached the headquaters (which was hidden underground a computer-shop) I saw Samantha sitting at the desk. When she saw me, she said, "Follow me to the training course."
I followed her and we walked into a door which led to an obsticale course. She told me that I was to dodge every obsticale without getting hurt, and I would get in.
She quickly walked away and into this really techy-room where she, and some other people, could observe me or something.
"This looks easy," I said to myself. Then I started. I jumped over a small wall and crawled through a small tunnel. Next I was supposed to find my way through a maze, and all of a sudden fire just flames down, catching my shoulder on fire! I frantically tried to get it out, and finally I took off my suit-jacket and stomped on it until the fire went out. It was singed a little, but I continued on throught the course. I wound my way through the maze and right as I got out gallons of water poured on me.
Next came a flurry of the strongest wind I've ever felt as I kept trying to go through the course.
Finally, worn out, I somehow managed to complete the obsticale course.
"Congratulations, you have passed," quickly a voice said. "You will recieve a suit, an ear-piece, a de-coder, a codename, an ID and a badge. Do NOT reveal that your a secret-agent to anyone, or you will be cut from the business. Do you understand?"
"Yes," I answered. I was so happy I jumped up and shouted, "WOO!"
"Secret-agents don't do that," teased another voice.
"Right. Just exampling what they don't do," I said, a little embarassed.
"We will give you your things when you start Monday at 7:00AM. Don't be late," the first voice said.
"I won't!" I promised. Then I went home.
I'm tired of writing so I'll post the rest some other time. I hope you enjoyed it. LOL X)
"Full Name: Elliot Doug McBackster," I wrote on my secret-agent application. "Special Abilities: Eating 2 tacos per minute, practical jokes, running, flipping on trampolines. Allergies: I'm allergic to pears. I'm also afraid of spiders bigger around than a centimeter, snakes, and cactus."
Okay, you might think it's weird to be afraid of cactus, but it is practical. I mean, those intimatating spikes are pretty scary. Imagine being poked by one. And, they're plants, but they don't have to be watered regularly. It's weird.
I filled out the rest of my application, then handed it in to the person sitting at the front-desk. She was talking to someone on her ear-piece and took the application as I reached out to give it to her.
I noted how everyone there was dressed nicely in a black suit with a black-tie. I made a mental note to wear my best suit next time I came, instead of my worn shorts, tennis-shoes, and faded T-shirt.
The lady at the front-desk had stopped her conversation with whoever was on the other line of her ear-piece, and started talking to me. "Thank you, we will meet Friday next-week at 5:00PM to take the physical test."
"Thank you, Miss..." I replied, looking at her name-tag, "Samantha."
"See you next week, Mr. McBackster."
"Thank you, bye."
Slowly, the days passed until Friday. I waited and hit the gym everyday to prepare myself for the physical test. Finally, Friday came. At 4:00, I dressed in my thirt-best suit (I didn't want to get my other suits dirty, plus this one was lighter than my other suits) and slipped on my black tennis-shoes. I combed back my orange-hair and ate some food and brushed my teeth and flossed. Then, later, it was time to leave.
As I reached the headquaters (which was hidden underground a computer-shop) I saw Samantha sitting at the desk. When she saw me, she said, "Follow me to the training course."
I followed her and we walked into a door which led to an obsticale course. She told me that I was to dodge every obsticale without getting hurt, and I would get in.
She quickly walked away and into this really techy-room where she, and some other people, could observe me or something.
"This looks easy," I said to myself. Then I started. I jumped over a small wall and crawled through a small tunnel. Next I was supposed to find my way through a maze, and all of a sudden fire just flames down, catching my shoulder on fire! I frantically tried to get it out, and finally I took off my suit-jacket and stomped on it until the fire went out. It was singed a little, but I continued on throught the course. I wound my way through the maze and right as I got out gallons of water poured on me.
Next came a flurry of the strongest wind I've ever felt as I kept trying to go through the course.
Finally, worn out, I somehow managed to complete the obsticale course.
"Congratulations, you have passed," quickly a voice said. "You will recieve a suit, an ear-piece, a de-coder, a codename, an ID and a badge. Do NOT reveal that your a secret-agent to anyone, or you will be cut from the business. Do you understand?"
"Yes," I answered. I was so happy I jumped up and shouted, "WOO!"
"Secret-agents don't do that," teased another voice.
"Right. Just exampling what they don't do," I said, a little embarassed.
"We will give you your things when you start Monday at 7:00AM. Don't be late," the first voice said.
"I won't!" I promised. Then I went home.
I'm tired of writing so I'll post the rest some other time. I hope you enjoyed it. LOL X)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
What's New
I haven't been posting much but that's because I've been so busy the past couple of weeks, but now I'm posting, right?
Anyway, I went to California for my relative's birthday. It wasn't all about the birthday party, though. My great uncle took me and my family to San Francisco! It was so much fun, and we took a train called the B.A.R.T. that goes under the bay to San Francisco!
I will tell lots of the cool stuff I saw there.
I saw a really narrow "pyramid", Alcatraz (an old, really bad prison where pretty much no one could escape. Then someone did and they closed it), part of the Golden Gate Bridge, a famous building (no, I'm not talking about the Golden Gate Bridge) based on a fire-hose in honor of fire-fighters or something, and all these big buildings and trollies and buses and cars and people and etc. and it was so cool! We even went into Chinatown!
But, it was sooo crowded almost everywhere we went. It was almost like Disneyland except for there was no rides, except for crowded buses (not fun), steep streets (not fun either), and this one street we saw in the distance that zig-zagged 'till the cows came home.
Oh, and I'm forgetting to say that we climbed up three street-hill things and at the top we went to the bathroom in a really fancy expensive hotel! It was so cool! LOL ;)
Anyway, if you haven't noticed, my blog looks different, doesn't it? Well, that's because it is. And yes, the picture above is me in my pointe shoes. :)
Peace out home dawgz.
Anyway, I went to California for my relative's birthday. It wasn't all about the birthday party, though. My great uncle took me and my family to San Francisco! It was so much fun, and we took a train called the B.A.R.T. that goes under the bay to San Francisco!
I will tell lots of the cool stuff I saw there.
I saw a really narrow "pyramid", Alcatraz (an old, really bad prison where pretty much no one could escape. Then someone did and they closed it), part of the Golden Gate Bridge, a famous building (no, I'm not talking about the Golden Gate Bridge) based on a fire-hose in honor of fire-fighters or something, and all these big buildings and trollies and buses and cars and people and etc. and it was so cool! We even went into Chinatown!
But, it was sooo crowded almost everywhere we went. It was almost like Disneyland except for there was no rides, except for crowded buses (not fun), steep streets (not fun either), and this one street we saw in the distance that zig-zagged 'till the cows came home.
Oh, and I'm forgetting to say that we climbed up three street-hill things and at the top we went to the bathroom in a really fancy expensive hotel! It was so cool! LOL ;)
Anyway, if you haven't noticed, my blog looks different, doesn't it? Well, that's because it is. And yes, the picture above is me in my pointe shoes. :)
Peace out home dawgz.
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