Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What Ballet is :)

   Ballet is awesome and it's for people who are tough enough to be un-afriad of admitting they dance the awesomest type of dance ever, and who aren't afraid to dance the crap out of themselves. O.o
   Just sayin.
   Ballet is NOT girly but you seriously have to EXCERSISE and you really SWEAT and ballerinas are NOT just pretty little girls in pink tutus!!
   And for people who say "Pshaw that stuff is so easy. It's for weak little losers who think they can dance," my comment for you is GET OFF YO BUTT AND SHOW ME TWO FUETTES. THEY ARE NOT EASY and ballerinas ARE NOT WEAK LITTLE LOSERS. They're STRONG BIG WINNERS WHO CAN BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!!
   And that's what ballet is :) 


  1. Sister sister sister. Take it down a notch.


    Who is saying crap about ballerinas anyway?

  2. Wannabes LOL :) and hey do you consider dancing or swimming a sport?
